Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Yamaca Man and the Never Ending Sea of Questions

Sounds like a book, right?

My life has been completed! John Mayer and Regina Spektor released new albums is the same month. Pretty much nothing can destroy me.

Today is Monday! (actually it's Tuesday. I had to save Monday as a draft  and now it's Tuesday) And it has been eventful and it's not even over yet.  (it's over now.)
I woke up. I made that delicious scrambled egg thing that I make. (Thank you, Alex)
I worked from 9-3.
I made my eye appointment.
I made my appointment for an interview with Hoffman Hospice.  (remind me my interview is next Monday)
I ordered lunch for everyone.
I got snarked at by stupid Joe with a mustache, who thinks I sit around and do nothing all day.

Let me tell you more about my job. (Im talking to you, Snarky Joe with a Mustache.)
I am the first to arrive. I set up my store, clean my store, stock everything, take the guides orders for lunch,  and a few people trickle in, the ones going rafting. So I discover none of them brought release forms, so I give them those while answering every 5 million of their questions ranging from
"Where's the river?" to "How much is everything in this store? I am going to ask how much everything is individually instead of reading the 'Prices' sign. Then i'm going to inform you that YOU, personally, Mallory Jane Gardner, that everything costs too much. Then I will grumpily buy something that I would never in a million years think to bring, like, Sunscreen! And be mad at you because you obviously made the prices and aren't just an employee. Also, can I have ice cream?" (I stretched that one. A little.)

While everyone is getting life jackets, I am running around getting lunch orders. Then when they leave, I sweep, pick up all the life jackets that Snarky Joe with a Mustache left on the floor. I clean all the tables, check my inventory, water the plants, de cob-web pretty much everything with corners, cut stickers, stock the porter potties, (and clean them as much as I can...or can handle) sweep the warehouse, clean the mirror above the sink, sometimes paint areas on my desk, or parts of the warehouse, just making sure everything is spick and span.
I am the last to leave.

And that ^ is not a complaint. I love to work, and I always want to find things to improve, or more things I can do. And yes, it is WAY more relaxed then Chick Fil A. And I really miss that part. I've always liked working, staying busy, and proving myself. It's just proof that Snarky Joe with a Mustache needs to butt out. He gets paid more then me, and it's also none of his or his mustache's business.

 I still do things the Chick Fil A way. I will take one thirty for my lunch, and a ten minute break later on.
(I dislike your snarky ways. And your mustache.)
sorry to T-Swift on y'all. But that is my pet peeve. I have three pet peeves. And snarky Joes with mustaches are one of them.

If they hire me as a volunteer, it will mean that I will be visiting people, comforting them, counseling them, pretty much just to keep them happy and cared for. (It's end of life care, not just including senior citizens. Im so looking forward to it!) Expect a LOT of blog posts on patients if I get hired. =]

At said work, there was a group of 9 Jewish people. (First time seeing someone wear a Yamaca in real life, and not as a joke. Last week I saw a nun at a movie theater. Also first time. She probably saw that new Daniel Radcliffe movie.)
Not that this should be news. But it is.

I went to Alex's. This just equals adventure. (Also included is Deemus, Michelle and Steven Whyte.
His van broke down, and once we jump started it we drove around for like, two hours. We ended up running around (literally) down town at night, "jumping off" of buildings and yelling, "PARKOUR!" to make us cool.
Also, Alex likes to take "short cuts" which to all the passengers means, "Drive around residential neighborhoods instead of main streets, thinking it's quicker. " It's not. So all of us ran round lamp posts, benches, and pretty much everything yelling, "SHORT CUT!"
 I had a dance off with Deemus. And I lost! Terribly!

And it was a splendid, splendid Monday.

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