Saturday, March 17, 2012

My week, in a very extended, detailed nutshell

So, the beginning of my week was pretty much craptastic, and I didn't really want to keep looking at that horrendous blog post reminding me of that, so, here I am once again. (Sorry if you're tired of me. <=])

Thursday is when things started to make my week amazing. This sounds kind of silly, given the fact that Monday-Wednesday things weren't that great and all of a sudden Thursday comes around and it's like BOOM. Amazingness.

Thursdays are the days I have class until 9 pm.

So, for that day to not be dysfunctional, lots of things need to happen. xD

I got up late, but still managed to look like a decent human being. (winning)

I also ate a well balanced breakfast (Which is hard to do, because when there's leftover pizza, which takes thirty seconds or scrambled eggs with green pepper, cheese and bacon which takes significantly longer, pizza is the obvious choice. Also, if you haven't made that, it is delicious and filling. Seriously, you should try it. Like right now. Like stop reading his blog post and go into your kitchen, and make this awesome dish. Please. Go. NOW.  Okay, im done. )

So, that was amazing. Then I didn't have to get gas, and went to my history class, and found out that LA kid dropped the class.

LA kid was a dude who used to sit right front and center, and bring Starbucks, and  every Apple product known to man with him, and raise his hand (with his coffee in his hand, wearing his sunglasses inside) and say random things that no one really wanted to know every five seconds. He declared that he was from LA like the first ten seconds of the first class. Not even joking. We're taking a field trip and it's in LA, so he raised his hand and declared, 'IM FROM LA, AND I KNOW EVERY STREET, EVERY CORNER, EVERY BUILDING, I KNOW ALL THERE IS ABOUT LA AND I WILL INFORM YOU OF ANYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW." He declared that. Like Michael Scott when he declared Bankruptcy.

Anywho, he shouted things often, and now class is really quiet.

I just thought you should know =]

Then, I have an hour to kill between that and Anthropology, and so I went to the library to study for my test.
Turns out, people are still using their high school  brains and someone pulled the fire alarm.
(Fun fact: I thought it was my fault because I was trying to see if I could go on Facebook with the school's wifi, and as soon as I typed it in, the alarm went off and scared the living beans out of me)
(More fun fact: Sometimes I make up things that don't make sense. I informed Michelle that something had scared the living beans out of me today in the car, and we had this conversation:
"I don't scared the living beans out of me..."
"That is not an expression! *laughing at me*
"It could be! Like when you're gassy, the beans are alive, so it scared the beans out of me!"
"So it scared the fart out of you!??"
"Oh.."  )

Aaaand we were dying of laughter.  Michelle and I have really weird conversations.

So anyway, we had a test in Anthropology. WHICH I MURDERED. I have never, EVER in my ENTIRE LIFE been confident when it comes to tests. Eye exams, driver's tests, you name it, I feel like a failure. But this test?? It did not have a chance against me.
I told my professor on the way out that I aced that test, and she smiled at me like she thought I was weird. Which isn't really a surprise because the class before, my jeans got stuck to my friends desk, and I was carrying a bunch of stuff, and she was sitting there laughing so hard she was crying and I was basically dancing to free myself from the desk. And my professor laughed. I love her. She is amazing.

That night I had Philosophy. Which is really, super fascinating. There's also, "Dude who likes me, but has tattoos on his face and a crazy beard, and says really random things all the time." More so then LA kid. Tattoo face man has apparently experienced every single crazy thing in life (Obviously, from the tattoos on his face..) and will raise his hand and say things like "When I used to be a part of a top secret organization, which I will not give you any details at this time..."

That kind of thing. Makes class interesting. I think he likes me, because he came up to me out of the blue and kept asking me about my hair, and said that he noticed because my eyes stand out all the time, etc weird long rant.

So, then I decided to call a bunch of people that I love and miss.

First Michelle, my bestest friend who I see all the time, and just call her randomly sometimes.
Then, Steven Whyte was next, because he's my band mate, and I always leave him 5 minute voicemails describing things that were exciting to me that day, but not exciting to anyone else. (like seeing five squirrels in one location)

THEN, Emily. I seriously think I haven't spoken to her on the phone in at least a year. We text each other inside jokes all the time, but I picked up the phone, called her, and when she picked up I started singing dramatically.
Needless to say, nothing has changed between us, ever. We were crying with laughter within the first five minutes, because I accidentally said "I can't wrap my hand around that," instead of "head,"

and it was really nice. Im making spring break plans to go see her. =]

It was a really great end to the day. <3
Oh, and I started watching Dr. Who.

Friday, is the best. NOTHING will ever bring me down on Friday.
I worked 11-4.
Then I went home, and saw my mom.
Then I went to Michelle's house, and Alicia and Luke were leaving.
Luke is 6 months now, and he looks like a little boy and not a baby! He is the cutest thing on the ENTIRE planet, and when i said hi to him, he grinned at me and kicked his feet in a really excited/adorable manner.
He is my favorite.

Then we ended up going shopping with most of the girls. (MIchelle, Savvy, Caitlyn, me. Hayley was at[ )
I scored a shirt for five bucks, and michelle scored like a bajillion things for five bucks.

She is extremely talented at that. Meanwhile i'll find something really cute, for forty dollars, and stare at it, trying to convince myself it's not THAT cute.

And as usual, we end up at the Ripepi's, aaaand they are amazing people.
We just sit around and talk, and watch funny videos, but im always really happy to be there. They're basically family. Plus, it was almost a circle reunion. Only missing like, five people.
When I went home, I found that my mom cleaned my room for me while I was gone.
i am a totally undeserving daughter.

Anywho, this week was really nice.
I am pretty happy these days.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Blues

Hello, strangers and friends!

We've all been there: had a Monday that was so bad, it could only be described as a Monday. Today was that day, and I failed at today. 

Please proceed to read and laugh at my misfortune.

So, I woke up, walked into the bathroom, and stubbed my toe on the way into the shower, and sent a variety of shampoos and my Batman bubble bath all over my bathroom, and somehow my shower curtain fell down. At which point my exact thought was "Good MORNING, AMERICA." So then I proceeded to burn my scalp before finally continuing as a normal human being taking a shower. (And getting water all over the floor because my stupid shower curtain had some sort of physical turrets that caused it to spaz...well, spastically.)

So downstairs I go and I realize I didn't wash my uniform, so while eating cold pizza for breakfast (champ) I tried to scrub the ice dream (what would be a dream is if it came out of my uniform easier) out of my pants. Then I left, looking like I peed my pants and had hair resembling a small lion with a bad hair cut. 
So I get in the Mazda, which I was actually super thrilled about, because it means I get to listen to my iPod because it's the car with the cable. (Seriously, that is the most exciting news in my life right now) But of course, I was out of gas, and had to zip down the street to the Chevron, and somehow hit myself with the gas pump. 
Meanwhile, I was fighting with someone who is very dear to me, over something ridiculous that I don't even remember anymore. Which is D.U.M.

So, on the road! 
Thank goodness my speedy driving did not cause any catastrophes.

Work started out wonderful. My co-workers were all in a silly mood, which makes work really enjoyable. 
Then, people were asking who closed on saturday which was me, and pointed to the most obvious, un mopped part on the floor ever, which was completely my fault and I was embarrassed for doing something that incredibly stupid. xD < Face I am making right now.

Then I started skipping drinks, and stuttering on headset, and spilling milkshake base on the floor, and scooping ice on the counters instead of cups, and not wiping down drinks, and basically was just a derp.

I've felt like a complete idiot at work recently. I cannot place what event made me feel this way, but I wish I could find out what it was, rewind and fix it. 
Like, I feel like everything I say is pure gibberish, or has no relevance to anything anyone is saying, therefore making everyone feel awkward. 

And I really hope it gets better.
Also, the person that usually runs window is Martin, and when I think something like "I need to put this drink here for Martin" I end up saying "Thank you for Chick FIl A, my name is Martin how may I serve you today?"
I also don't think he has noticed this.

Also, there is a spider that lives outside the walls who sometimes crawls onto the drive thru camera, making my line of sight one giant fuzzy spider as big as my head crawling over all the cars. I know he is there, but his appearance scares me every time. I jump every time and either punch the register due to fear of my face being eaten off through the television screen, or accidentally emphasize a word like.
"So you wanted a CHICKEN!!!! Sandwich..?" And the person is kind of like, "Yeah......" 
Yeah as in, "Duh, Martin the female sounding order taker, I DO want a CHICKEN sandwich because this is a CHICKEN restaurant, you silly.."
(Once again, he is an outdoor spider.) 

Also also, a minute before I clocked out I reached into my pocket to find that my pen exploded. 

Fun times.

The rest of the day felt pretty normal. My mom had to leave town on short notice, so I think it threw off the balance of things in our family. 
Luckily, Monday is only one day in the week, which means if I had a terrible day today, it can only get significantly better tomorrow.

Goodnight, everyone. Thank you for listening. 


Friday, March 2, 2012

About a girl.

Hello friends!
It has been, well pretty much non existent since I have posted a blog entry.

So, it's Friday. Which means work was busy. But it was actually really nice.
I informed someone "Your total is Dr. Pepper. Wait...Um, sorry. I'm challenged today." But they didn't really care, being on the phone and what not. I made 12 trays of brownies. (This is in fact an accomplishment)
I also found out i'm hypoglycemic. Which basically just means I can't eat anything delicious. Im sort of at peace with it, seeing as I wanted to get in shape anyway, sooo..this forces me to.
I FINALLY bought a DSLR. I went with the Canon rebel T3, since that's what I shot with in high school. (I say "in high school" like it was forever ago.)

I am obsessed with Do It Yourself projects. I seriously will spend hours on one site saying "I'm so going to make that." and then bookmark it, and come back frequently to stare in amazement. My house will look interesting in the future.

Life has literally thrown its ups and downs at me lately. Yesterday, I got to spend some time with my sisters, who I haven't seen in AGES because despite my best friend and I working at the same place, we never ever see each other. But it was AMAZING because my oldest sister has this way of making your life feel super important, despite the fact when you get down to the core of my life right now, I am working at a minimum wage fast food job, going to community college. I like to think my life is more significant then that.

In Philosophy, we're reading a book called On Death and Dying. It is about a doctor who deals with dying patients, and it talks about how to deliver bad news to people. It really focuses on the importance of caring for the patients, rather then treating them (as patients say) as "things"
It makes me really excited for when i'm finally a nurse. I feel so at peace that i'll be working to help people, the rest of my life.
It's weird, but when I feel like i'm not helping other people, I get really disappointed with my life, and sad, and all sorts of not good feelings. When I do help someone, like I go the extra mile for someone at work, and I can see that I made their day better for taking extra time to care for them, I get legit, cliche, warm fuzzies. And that's awesome.

Random thought on Girl Scout Cookies: I found out I was hypoglycemic today. Guess what went on sale today?

Guess what I ate an entire box of last year?
Tagalongs. My FAAAAVORITE. If anyone would like to help me cheat my diet, this is the way to go.

Here are some odd and random facts about my life.
The loves:
I would like to take up every instrument in the world.
I love anything artsy, despite my unnatural talent for it. (Well, mostly painting)
I love to talk to people. Seriously, if you think you're awkward on the phone or something, you should call me, and i'll get you to throw jell-o at your fence. (True story.)
I love writing. Hence the new blog.
This post feels a little weird to me. But as random shenanigans (Fun fact, I had to spell "shenanigans" like, twenty times) happen, this will get better.
I am a dork. I really am. My dad informed me of this in the car when I was making Chewbacca noises to the tune of my favorite Fratellis song.
(He wears socks with sandals.)

I love walking. However, my mom is a courtroom clerk and informs me that I will be raped and killed, and it kind of takes away from the walking experience. So I like driving now.

I still swing on the swings.
I love "kid" movies.
My all time favorite movie came out in the 70s. Which isn't a kid movie, but it is still amazing.
I love books.
I watch reruns of my favorite shows. (GOing through  The Office, again)
Pinterest. (I know, I know.)
John Mayer
anything piano/guitar/ukulele/music/yay/slash.
learning things

The Hates extreme dislikes:

when I feel like people are upset at me.
when I feel forgotten about, or abandoned.
when people don't use their blinkers.
when people say "ummmmmmmm" instead of forming coherent english.
when McDonald's tells you their ice cream machine is broken, but really they're just cleaning it and don't want you to hate them
When you wake up, and your dog has eaten your shoes.