Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Camper

So, this week has been excellent. I partially don't remember why, but I remember thinking, "Hey, this is a good week!"
Probably since it was compared to last week, which was super random.

(I even got pulled over for not having my headlights on. ticket though. WIN.)

Classes are almost out for the summer. I'm slightly disappointed, I have to say. I didn't think I'd like BC so much.

I found out that BYU accepts transfer students with only 24 credits. So by this time next year, I will probably be moving to Provo.

I got classes for next fall. (I was seriously concerned i'd be taking like, all of my biology and chemistry pre reqs or something because everything else was full)

I'm taking:
Interpersonal Communications
Elementary Algebra (gag. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 11-12:30. I swear math classes are evil and horribly scheduled on purpose.)
Medical Terminology (Win)
Beginning Guitar (Also win. Although i'm a little nervous it'll be like, "These are STRINGS. We play the STRINGS to make NOISE.")
I'm SO excited. Except for math. But other then that, i'm SO excited.

I have started doing photography things for people!
I should be able to put together a nice portfolio and apply places pretty soon.

I got a job at River's End Rafting. I will be doing retail, minor cleaning, organizing things, and basically I'm super excited. Plus, I start at $8.50. Which was my ending pay after working 2 YEARS at Chick Fil A. But also, I never went and asked for a raise, so, that's basically my fault xD
I start May 5th, which is the day after my birthday. YAY.

For my birthday, I have no idea what i'm doing. Apparently it's a surprise.
Also, May 5th is when the other half of my band/Steven Whyte is coming home. Which is also very exciting because that means more musical things will be happening.

So, in a nutshell, life is amazing. I really want to make a beach trip soon. And Disneyland. And, basically the rest of the world.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bein a giiiirl.

Random, but I had a proud moment.
So, I get really into movies. And you can't laugh at that because Men do the same thing, only during sports games. (I mean, really. They REALLY can't hear you through the T.V. no matter how loud you judgement...)

So, in movies, everyone in the movie becomes my best friend. Or i'll relate to the character, or relate one of my friends to the character, or be like, "That's SO my situation."

So, I confess, I saw The Lucky One. And it had Zac Efron in it. Suprisingly, he kept his shirt on the majority of the time. Wasn't expecting that.
I only teared up ONCE! I didn't actually cry. That is a miracle. Considering I cried in Up, Finding Nemo, Tangled, The SIsterhood of the Traveling Pants, etc. Total cheese ball.

..Just a random fact.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Interactions with a former High School teacher

I was in Starbucks when I see a former English teacher of mine, and i'm pretty sure she thinks she's never seen me before in her life. Or in a past life. 

Me: Hi! I'm one of your former students.
Mrs: Yes! I remember! What's your name?
Me: Mallory.
Mrs: Oh, right! Mallory! Mallory Richie right?
Me: No, Mallory Gardner..
Mrs: Oh, Mallory Gardner! Yeah, I remember. Wow it's been a wile. 8 years!
Me: Uhm, actually, like four. haha. (I awkwardly laughed, yes.)
Mrs. Oh, that's right 6. Wow.
Me: Oh. Um..
Mrs: So, you're like 20 now? How's that?
Me: Actually i'm turning 19 in May. Pretty excited though!
Mrs: Oh, Well it was nice seeing you.

I feel like that will be my interactions with high school teachers. Always.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Most random day. Ever.

So, being Mallory Jane Gardner has its pros and cons.

I trip a lot.
I spill stuff.
I cant park a car to save my life. (In my truck it's 20x worse. I'm THAT girl. The one that five cars in all directions are waiting for in the parking lot of Target.)
I dance. Often. Badly.
I eat mashed potatoes and gravy for breakfast. Occasionally.
I don't wear matching socks.
I accidentally farted on a baby once while delivering food at work.

You get the picture. These weird things just kinda make me who I am. So naturally, weird things happen in my life.

Like the time I walked up the stairs to a Condors game, and the Blues Brothers just happened to be right there.

The time life didn't hand me lemons, but handed me an adorable puppy instead, because the guy who found it was ditching class.

The time I literally slipped on a banana peel my Freshman year.

The time there was a hobo on my porch.

Weird people also tend to gravitate toward me. I'm not sure if it's because i'm a good listener, or if i'm just as weird. Probably both.

ANYWHO, i'm rambling and the point of this post is that

Today was random.

I woke up on time, showered, and looked like a decent human being AND got my favorite parking space, AND make it to class early, AND remembered deodorant. (Just kidding, I ALWAYS remember deodorant.  ..Okay so sometimes I forget, but I don't think I sweat there, so I assure you, I smell like flowers. Always.)

My teacher is kind of a weird dude. In the syllabus he made us sign a form recognizing that he would often be offensive and portray racist people. (mostly Germans)
(Yes, it really said that.)

So today, when he brought in a stuffed horse on a stick wearing a beanie, and ran around the classroom neighing, twice, I shouldn't think much of it. Right?

(P.S. He also kept shouting "PUT THIS ON YOUTUBE." No one did. Too frightened.)

He also said to me "Mallory, will you be getting German food today?" "No, sorry I have a job interview today." "Oh, THAT'S why you did your hair."

           Well, thank you professor, but mathematically speaking, you can only do so many things with a bob. And in my case, it does one thing. Its straight and sits there like hair. Although yes, sometimes I look like a lion when I wake up. But thank you for having the class stare at me, I enjoyed that. Only not really because a this time of day I drink apple juice from a box like a five-year-old.

(I just smiled and nodded.)

He also asked the fattest kid in class if he was going, and when the kid said no, he said,
"You look like you can eat a lot of German food."


Also today, while having a very deep and life changing conversation which I will tell you nothing about, someone's car broke down next to me.
This would not be random, only this is the second time this has happened having a very deep life-changing conversation. Same conversation with same person. Different car breaking down.

And the whole time this girl knew who I was! She knew I used to have longer hair, and she kept saying how she knew me from somewhere, we just couldn't figure out where.
So I spent the next hour trying to track down someone with jumper cables. I went to the Beans, who had some, but the Beans were in different cars, and the van had the cables, and the van was at the theater, might have been the dollar theater, anywho I ended up going door to door saying,

"Hi! I'm not selling anything. Um. My friend's, well actually some random person's car is broken down? And sorry to bother you, but do you have jumper cables? So I can jump their car? Yes."
"Well, okay. Thanks anyway!" I'm pretty sure people thought I was a girl scout.

And then the girl told be about how she had her first love in high school, and they never saw each other   again, and she's 22 and still thinks about him. (You cant help but wonder if that will ever be him. Or you.)

Sad day.

But after an hour or two, we got the help she needed, and we parted ways forever, but I guess not because she randomly knows who I am.

My dog got so excited she pooped herself. Only she wasn't wearing diapers, or pants so, yeah. Right there on the tile.

Later I went for a run.
Ps. Running Playlist.

Hall & Oates
The Go-gos

Also LMFAO. Im just that cool.

But not really. I run with a fanny pack. That word just makes me laugh.
If I ever meet a person named Fanny or ever uses the word, "fanny,"I will laugh my face off.


I come around a corner to find a guy with a crossbow, who sees me and flags me down. (Well first he was lie, "Run faster! Hey. I have a daughter your age."
And then ran inside the house and called his daughter downstairs so that we could be running buddies.

Random. But hey, I have a running buddy.

Aaaand...THAT. Is a not so average tale.

Monday, April 2, 2012

4 AM.

No matter which way you look at it, i'll be up at 4 am or earlier the rest of this week.

Tuesday- Up at 4 to get ready and take pictures of Beth. Then packing, getting last minute things for my trip, packing, job hunting and going to bed early so I can get up at 2:30 AM to get ready to catch my train before 4:30 am.  (maybe ill pull an all nighter and take Nyquil on the train?)
On and off trains and buses until 4:30 am Thursday. That's a 24 hour trip. Holy. Cow.  (Which I will then arrive at my destination!) Then Breakfast, probably... then a shower, then I start my day!! Then Friday, I probably will sleep in...for once..

Then Saturday, my dearest Emily is kidnapping me for Easter! Im so excited! Cause Easter brings back sad memories so my best friend distracting me will help.

This is the best friend that walked off stage in the middle of a performance, because she got a phone call from me. (I had just been dumped the day of mine and his anniversary ((through an e-mail)) and was quite a disaster)
She also makes fun of everything I say xD But we have grown up together. (Literally since we were 2)
Her family is my family, and Im really thrilled about seeing them. Its been a year. Way too long. (Can you tell I like parenthesis?)

Then I leave Monday night at 9:30 PM and get back to Bako Tuesday at 2:35 pm.
Sigh. That's crazy. I'm really looking forward to it though. I love traveling, especially by train, (they have an observation deck!)
So I mean, I cant say I didn't do anything this spring break.