Saturday, September 8, 2012

Happy days

The days are getting really good for me. I'm still loving my classes, and i'm doing really well in them too.
I started my job. (Well, training) and I can tell that i'm going to absolutely love it. It's exactly what I want in a job. To help people,  to work with something similar in my future field, and to be paid a good amount!  And I don't have to wear some dumb uniform! And it comes with bonuses, like an insurance policy I can afford!
I start Monday officially. I meet my clients, get to know them, and go from there. I would love to give more detail, but I probably won't be posting a lot of stories from work, cause I'm kinda sworn to keep a level of privacy.
I'm still going to keep up my photography business on the side. Now, if only I had a Steinway and a Vespa, I could be perfectly happy on my own! 

But yeah. That about sums it up! i'm just trying to keep moving forward, and to not let the little things get me down!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Boom Shacka Lacka

Me: 1. Procrastination: 0
Rarely happens. But today, I left my Saturday open and I designated it to "Hans Zimmer/Homework/Cleaning" day. Which I DESPERATELY needed to do. But since I've been un employed, my brain has been this giant catastrophe of worry, and I literally spent every waking second of my life job hunting.
But alas, I am employed once more!
And I seriously couldn't be happier. I have been blessed with quite possibly the best job. Ever. (Until I get my nursing degree.)
I wanted a  job that allowed me to help people. I didn't want to wait until I had my degree to start making a difference in people's lives.
Unfortunately,  this doesn't happen to kids my age unless you know someone, since I don't have experience and my only job has been working in a fast food restaurant.
My dad had this client, and she started talking to him about finding people for a job, and he recommended me, so I went for an interview, and wellah!
I am now employed by Positive Purpose. Also, I keep calling it, "Positive Porpoise" which is very misleading because I don't in fact work with dolphins. I'm not sure what my title is yet, but I will be assisting disabled adults. (physical and mental)
I'm really looking forward to it, I know it's going to be a great positive experience, and will benefit others as well as me for the future.
I seriously can barely contain my excitement!
This has taken a huge weight off my shoulders. I hate uncertainty, especially with a job. I like knowing that I can afford my cell phone bill, and gas, and magical things like that.
Also, guess who beasted at homework today? This girl! Which usually doesn't happen, and I don't just sit down and do everything in one day, but i'm trying to get all of my homework done before Sundays, so I can have time to focus on the Sabbath.
So far, it's going really well!
Right now, I just sighed with relief because things are starting to work out really well.
I got my job, and I have school. I have my things to work really hard in, to benefit my future.
I feel like I can plan the rest of my life accordingly.

Which is not true, but it feels nice to have things in order!