Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Camper

So, this week has been excellent. I partially don't remember why, but I remember thinking, "Hey, this is a good week!"
Probably since it was compared to last week, which was super random.

(I even got pulled over for not having my headlights on. ticket though. WIN.)

Classes are almost out for the summer. I'm slightly disappointed, I have to say. I didn't think I'd like BC so much.

I found out that BYU accepts transfer students with only 24 credits. So by this time next year, I will probably be moving to Provo.

I got classes for next fall. (I was seriously concerned i'd be taking like, all of my biology and chemistry pre reqs or something because everything else was full)

I'm taking:
Interpersonal Communications
Elementary Algebra (gag. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 11-12:30. I swear math classes are evil and horribly scheduled on purpose.)
Medical Terminology (Win)
Beginning Guitar (Also win. Although i'm a little nervous it'll be like, "These are STRINGS. We play the STRINGS to make NOISE.")
I'm SO excited. Except for math. But other then that, i'm SO excited.

I have started doing photography things for people!
I should be able to put together a nice portfolio and apply places pretty soon.

I got a job at River's End Rafting. I will be doing retail, minor cleaning, organizing things, and basically I'm super excited. Plus, I start at $8.50. Which was my ending pay after working 2 YEARS at Chick Fil A. But also, I never went and asked for a raise, so, that's basically my fault xD
I start May 5th, which is the day after my birthday. YAY.

For my birthday, I have no idea what i'm doing. Apparently it's a surprise.
Also, May 5th is when the other half of my band/Steven Whyte is coming home. Which is also very exciting because that means more musical things will be happening.

So, in a nutshell, life is amazing. I really want to make a beach trip soon. And Disneyland. And, basically the rest of the world.

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