Wednesday, May 2, 2012

People are funny.

People really are funny. In fact, they are pretty hysterical.

I have been thinking about that a lot recently. Mostly reminiscing about some of the stranger customers I got while I worked at Chick Fil A.

One of them that came to mind was a lady that forgot to order no whipped cream on her shake.

I had already put whipped cream on her shake, but I let her know I could easily take it off, or remake it if she wanted me to.

She instructed me to remake it, and told me I had to because she was allergic to dairy.
I informed her that our MILKshakes are dairy based. She said,
 "Oh, that's okay. I can have that. I just can't have the whipped cream."
 I nodded and remade the shake.  To this day I'm still confused.

A lot of people often mistake us for Vitamin Shop, which is right next door, and our drive thru wraps around it. I can kinda see why, but when someone ordered a "Veinte Caramel Frappacino" and Starbucks was a street over, down the street I was a little concerned for the person driving the car.

There was the time where someone gave me 42 pennies, the time someone got out of the car in the Drive Thru and ran away because there was a bug, (she REFUSED to get the bug out, so I walked outside, and around and got it out for her xD)

There was the guy who came every Saturday night around 9:42 that I sang Happy Birthday too, and from then on he was one of my "regular homies"

The time that someone came in and stared at the menu for a solid 7 minutes, and then asked where the burritos were, since we specialize in them, until she realized that Chipolte was on the other side of the parking lot.

The time I got coned.

The time Jake was in dining room and I yelled out, "Austen!" thinking it was him. Austen was actually right behind me at the time, and thought it was hysterical.

These are the things I miss about the job along with a select group of my co-workers. I had 10 different stories to tell every shift. It was seriously a great first job.

but now I have my new job, which I am really super excited for!

In other news, I have become a semi-(not really) professional at the art of salsa making.

I am currently taking a death awareness survey for my Philosophy class, which includes writing my own obituary.
and when I was in Payless, I got sniffed by an entire family.
And 5 page papers are coming out of my ears.

Also, I found out I am going to Disneyland for my birthday on Friday. And I have never been to Disneyland on my actual birthday, and that is really exciting, and I LOOOOVE Disneyland, and and and I can't wait!

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